10 Important Video Game Cutscenes You Totally Missed

Secret Video Game Cutscenes With Hidden Endings And Character Moments!

By James Metcalfe /

Cinematic sequences have been staples in video games for decades, with countless scenes being produced by developers as a means of moving on a game's plot, fleshing out characters or simply showcasing a system's hardware and how flashy a game looks or runs.


And whilst there are plenty of examples where they have gone onto become the epitome of everything wrong with a game (see Sonic the Hedgehog and *that* kiss), cutscenes are generally some of the most enjoyed parts of games.

They're often a nice reward for getting past a level, reveal a lot of a story's developments and are now written and presented in ways more akin to big Hollywood blockbusters rather than simple add-ons to keep a game rolling.

But whilst every gamer out there can instantly name their favourite cutscenes from the titles they've played, there are more than a few important sequences out there that they might missed so far.

Whether it be alternate endings, hidden lore, further developments or a powerful reminder of what's at stake for a player, here are ten important video game cutscenes players totally missed out on in the past.

10. Love On The Battlefield - Halo: Combat Evolved

Like all other games of its time, Halo: Combat Evolved's Legendary difficulty truly is a step up compared to what the majority of players went through.


However, for those few who were able to grind through and beat the Maw on Legendary, there's a hidden ending cutscene during the final fight with an Elite where Sgt. Johnson will suddenly stop fighting, realising that the Pillar of Autumn is exploding, and remark “This is it, baby. Hold me.”

The Elite will do just that, and the two will share a poignant (if sadly non-canonical) moment as the screen fades to white.

Anyone who has ever played a Halo game knows just how bad the blood runs between Sgt. Johnson and The Covenant, so this hidden cutscene offers a nice, albeit brief, moment of respite.
