10 Intense Video Game Achievements Worth NOTHING

TEN TIMES Prestige in Call of Duty? Not worth it.

By Jules Gill /

There's nothing like that sweet chime of a video game achievement or trophy popping is there? That warm sensation you feel upon unlocking a signifier that hours upon hours of blood, sweat, and tears were not, as your parents might suggest, wasted, is truly satisfying.


They act as a carving on the monolith that is our gaming history, providing evidence to all that you did something, (I know that sounds vague but come on achievements are given out for the strangest of things) that you can waft in your friend's faces or use as bragging rights in your online circles.

However, on the inverse is there anything worse than being rewarded an achievement that's worth absolutely nothing? Seeing a 0g pop up is almost alarming as you may end up thinking you've done something wrong, or that there's an underlying joke going on at your expense, and you know what?

You're probably right. 0g Achievements are basically the developers bantering you off, either by using them as a mark of shame, a point of ridicule, or even worse, to prove a point in just how far they've pushed you for literally nothing.


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10. Mondays Be Like... - DiRT Rally

When you're behind the wheel of a raging rally car, churning up mud, and driving on roads so thin it's like threading a needle at 90 miles an hour, concentration is most definitely key. One mistake and you could end up plastered all over a tree like a missing cat poster, and trust me on DIRT Rally you're going to make a lot of them.


Each track requires countless replays to learn, each motion of your car needs to be recognized and adjusted in order to stay on the track and on time for a prime leadership spot, and along the way to the top of the podium, there's going to be a fair few crashes. Thankfully the devs thought it'd be a good idea to mark the first time you went headlong off the side of the road at speed with the humorously named "Mondays Be Like", which only pops if you crash so badly, even a Destruction Derby driver would wince in pain.

As you gather what's left of your brain and pop it in the glove box for later surgery and sit amongst the flaming wreckage, you can't help but channel that inner Garfield and say "Mondays. Am I right?"
