10 Locations Future Assassin's Creed Games Need To Visit

Are you listening, Ubisoft?

By Chris Mueller /

The Assassin's Creed franchise is known for visiting different locations around the world during some of the most tumultuous times in history. First we had Altair in Israel during the crusades, then we moved on to Ezio in Italy and Constantinople, before AC3 took us to North America with Connor and his grandfather sailed the Caribbean in AC Black Flag. We've also seen settings in Spain, Cyprus and the Louisiana bayou thanks to the handheld games Ubisoft has released. Now, we have a new hero for AC Unity named Arno Dorian, who is running around rooftops of Paris during the French Revolution. Europe has been well-represented in the AC series, but there are several other locations around the world that have yet to be explored and a lot of history left for Ubisoft to alter in order to serve the needs of the Assassins and Templars. Asia has remained largely untapped, as has South America and Africa. Certain parts of Europe and North America have played big parts in the series, but there are still so many great locales to play host to a new hero. This slideshow will look at some of the more ideal places a future Assassin's Creed game should visit.