10 Moments That Made You Quit Gaming For Good

Oh, just follow the damn train? Is THAT all?

By Tom Sunderland /

There’s nothing quite like having your soul crushed by something you love, is there? We’re not talking people here - this is far deeper than that.


Games nest in a place that will always be close to our hearts, but like any love, they have the power to betray us, take all that time we invested and turn it into a weapon against us, like making us gaze in the mirror of self-contempt and ask: “Why do I even bother?”

Separations are common among gamers. Things can get too heated, and if you’re able to refrain from smashing your PC or console in a frenzy, it’s best to treat it like an oven on fire: Just turn off all the buttons and walk away.

But divorces are regular occurrences, too, and just as there are newcomers picking up video games every day, there are those who have to leave or face a potential stress-induced coma.

We break down some of those madness-inducing moments that made you want to quit gaming forever, from glitches to endless puzzles to that one boss who makes you want to jump into that digital world and tell their mother what an annoying creation they birthed.

Enter the stress-o-sphere.

10. Bearer Of Bad Fruit (Shadow Of The Colossus)

Trophies are an unnecessary distraction to some gamers, while other completionists can't suffer the thought of finishing a game with anything less than 100 percent. But even the most dedicated may struggle to keep the faith unlocking achievements in Shadow of the Colossus, namely 'Fruit of the Garden'.


The Poisoned Fruit is located in the Secret Garden, which can only be accessed with enough stamina, gained by eating hidden fruit throughout the game. The kicker is you need three play-throughs to find enough fruit and sufficiently boost your stamina.

HowLongToBeat.com lists Shadow of the Colossus at around 20 hours of play time for those leaving no stone unturned. Cut that in half for a player who knows what they're doing, and it means you're still looking at 30 hours to get that necessary stamina boost.

"Man," I hear you say. "The reward for such a gruelling task must sure be sweet!"

The Poison Fruit is the single worst thing you will ever taste. Eating it reduces the consumer's health below its starting point. And that't it. Less health. You become less of a person. It's enough to make one question whether they can trust a game again.

Adam was warned not to touch the fruit.
