10 Most Addictive Video Games Of All Time

Sometimes, "Just one more game" isn't enough.

By Kristian Webb /


Most video games are released with the intention of being as addictive as possible, it’s hardly an industry secret. However, there are a select few titles that far outstrip the competition when it comes to their addictive nature.


Whether it’s down to the soundtrack, stunning visuals, engaging plot devices or simply because it’s considered cool to be playing something along with the rest of the world (*cough* Pokemon GO *cough*); we have all been addicted to a game at one or more points in our lives. Even those who are ‘so above gaming’ have a secret addiction to Candy Crush or some other flimsy freemium title.

So, here we go, the list of the top 10 most addictive video games of all time. This list is subjective and factual in places; some of the entries are here on merit, some because they were designed to be addictive from the start, and others because of the sheer number of people who still play them to this day.



10. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time


Ocarina of Time is without doubt one of the most addictive games of all time, and for a variety of reasons that simply cannot be denied.


For starters, the original release of OoT sold a whopping 7.6 million copies worldwide and its 3DS remake has also sold a further 4.5 million copies with many citing the game as the reason they bought a 3DS in the first place – that’s impressive.

But what makes it so addictive is the sheer size of the game itself, the outstanding musical compositions that blend seamlessly into one another, the visuals that are only just beginning to age but still look so unbelievably good, the story, the nostalgia and all these things combined make for a game you just can’t put down.


Some will definitely disagree and say that the originality of A Link to the Past or the sheer difficulty of Majora’s Mask make them more worthy entries, but Ocarina of Time has to be the most addictive Zelda title of all time... right?