10 Most Addictive Video Games Of All Time

9. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim dovahkiin dragonborn

When you describe Skyrim to someone who’s never played; it doesn’t make a great deal of sense (especially to a casual observer) so the only option is to give them the controller and let them figure it out for themselves.

The huge, open world of Skyrim is magically addictive thanks to the sheer amount of effort Bethesda put in to try and make the perfect adventure game. There’s the main story, side-quests, extra quests and more - just so much interaction across the board that anyone who’s played surely thought they’d never reach the end.

Limited editions, fan-mods and a LOT of DLC later we’ve now arrived at a remastered version – Skyrim: Special Edition – for Xbox One, PS4 and Windows to keep us playing for a long time to come. Addictive isn’t quite a strong enough word for Skyrim, but there’s much more where that came from, considering Bethesda have already confirmed another Elder Scrolls for some point in the far-flung future.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.