10 Most Ultra-Violent Video Games - Ranked From Worst To Best

Are you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence?

By Scott Tailford /


Video games have had a strange history with violence over the years. From DOOM heralding in first-person chainsaw kills and Manhunt being blamed as the reason for an actual murder, what started as an exploration into just what it would feel like to manifest controllable viscera has exploded into a set of stylistic choices that exemplify many iconic titles.


Chances are you've got a handful of personal favourites - those games you hid from parents, discovered with friends and cherish deeply - simply because they're the pugnacious middle finger-flippers of the gaming industry.

That said, which games used buckets of claret to great effect, and who just used it for window dressing?



10. Hatred

Destructive Creations

There's a weird sense of humour that comes with insanely violent entertainment. Rather like how an overblown special effect in a horror movie will make an audience cheer or wince before telling all their friends about it, a good super gory game needs to know its audience, and above all, it needs to nail that tone throughout.


Hatred did not do these things.

Instead, Hatred was put together by a group of developers that thought the world of video games had become 'too PC' (missing the fact that something called Grand Theft Auto is the biggest-selling property of all time), and thus set about making a shooter out of being a genocidal maniac.


The game literally looks and feels like a tribute to the horrific likes of Columbine or Sandy Hook, a dark-hearted excuse to bludgeon and slaughter as many innocent people as possible. If you want the 'fun' version of that premise, check out GTA, as Hatred will forever be remembered to be the misanthropic shoegazer in the corner.
