10 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

This year is full of hidden gems.

By Adam Hogg /

Cyanide/Red Barrels/Platinum

2017 has been chock full of standout titles. Resident Evil 7, Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild stole our collective hearts and continue to be incredibly playable - but they're just from the first quarter. The rest of the year has been just as excellent, if not better. And amidst all the sequels, trendsetters and game-changing experiences, it's also fair to say that a few gems went forgotten.


It seems that for every standout title, there was something that got pushed unfairly to the wayside. Games that deserved to have the limelight and were brilliant, if not better than the games that did get that mainstream appeal.

In an industry as massive as gaming, it's easy to see just how any release can get swept up in it all. The medium is focused on 'bankable' properties and 'safe' ideas, after all, and some of those more unique and creative ideas get pushed aside to make way for the next 'open world, action RPG'.


Instead, let's celebrate those that were forgotten, and look at the games that weren't treated nearly as fairly as they should.