10 OBVIOUS Video Game Plot Holes (That Actually Aren't)

Thought you were smarter than the creators? Think again.

By Marcellus Huisamen /

Everyone loves to poke fun at plot holes.


It's a chance to play detective and pretend that we know better than the skilled, talented people who pour heart and soul into the medium we enjoy so much. And so, be it video games, movies or novels, when inconsistencies, conveniences or downright laziness are found, fans will deconstruct the offending mistakes with the kind of surgical precision reserved for the operating theatre.

However, the truth is that developers spend a great deal more time with their work than us impromptu surgeons, and what can at first seem to be a mistake, often has a perfectly good explanation.

Eevery now and then the developers get crafty too, setting the critics up with an obvious ‘plot-hole’ and leaving the explanation cunningly hidden, to be found by the diligent while the less observant end up with more than a little egg, and counter-memes, on their faces.

Either way, finding the answers is just as much fun as finding the plot-hole. What follows are some examples you have no doubt seen, and some you might not.


Be aware, spoilers are present.

10. Darksiders 3 - Why Did Fury Not Realize That The First Envy Was Fake?

Learning that the Watcher, Fury’s acerbic companion, was in fact one of the Deadly Sins she was hunting, was a stunning twist.


But it also created a potential plot-hole. The player would naturally assume that the bird-like creature fought as the game's first Sin was the real Envy. Why did Fury fail to notice?

The answer is sublime.

The reason Fury did not recognise the creature is explained when Fury comes across Gluttony.

Finding the Sin in a different form she explains - with great irony - to the Watcher (Envy) that Sins can change their appearance. As proof of this, the Charred Council - the very people who assigned ‘the Watcher’ to observe Fury - never suspect Envy of being right in front of them.

But Envy went further. Knowing full well that the Council intended for Fury and the Sins to destroy each other she formulated a plan of revenge. Using the false Envy as misdirection to plant a amulet in Fury's hand, she would guide Fury to absorb each Sin and its power, then use that power to destroy them all.

Though the plan failed, it was still genius, brilliantly formulated and executed by the developers themselves.

Good on you, Gunfire Games.
