10 PS1 Characters That Should Be In Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

We highlight 10 characters from the PS1's glory days who deserve to shine in Sony's new brawler.

By Corey Milne /


I'm excited for Playstation All Star Battle Royale. I may have made that much clear in the last article I wrote about Sony's upcoming mascot mashing brawler. So far we've only been shown a glimpse of the roster which so far includes:

Jak & Daxter (Jak & Daxter Series)


Cole MacGrath (Infamous)

Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)


Nathan Drake (Uncharted)

Kratos (God of War)


Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Toro Inoue (Japanese Mascot)


Sly (Sly Cooper Series)

Fat Princess (Fat Princess)


Big Daddy (Bioshock)

PaRappa (PaRappa The Rapper)


Colonel Radec (Killzone 2)

At a guess I'm going to speculate that this is perhaps half of the total number of characters, meaning there's plenty more space for both first and third property characters to make an appearance. Today WhatCulture will present 10 characters from Sony's younger PS1 days that deserve consideration to make an appearance.


10. Gabe Logan (Syphon Filter)

While Mr. Logan seems to have been forgotten over the past few years he's had quite the illustrious career. Starting way back in 1999, the original Syphon Filter game is among some of the best titles to have appeared on the PS1. Acting on part for The Agency, we've followed Gabe Logan in his attempts to stop the deadly Syphon Filter virus.

While his last title was a PSN game and the series has been relegated mostly to Sony's PSP, Syphon Filter has its fans and the appearance of this old school covert operative wouldn't go amiss. Perhaps the only thing holding him back is the fact that there are already enough gun totting characters in this brawler, and we perhaps need someone with a bit more charm.


9. Spike (Ape Escape)

Another gem from the far flung year of 1999, the original Ape Escape was met with near universal praise when it was released. It sticks in my mind not only because it was a solid, colourful and charming platformer, but because I remember what a big push this game received from Sony. This was the first game to require the brand new Playstation dual shock controller, something we are all familiar with these days. And Sony sold those controllers, because people wanted Ape Escape.

Spike would fit right in to the All Star roster and would bring some much needed charm to the brooding, gun firing, head on fire cast. Smash Brothers works because it has characters that both kids and adults adore, but children picking up All Stars aren't going to know Kratos or Radec. Standing apart with his big net and an assortment of gadgets, he could offer a lot of tactical variety while putting a smile on your face. Plus his super move could have the other players being overwhelmed by a horde of monkeys. Perfection.
