10 Reasons Fans Need To Stop Complaining About Breath Of The Wild DLC

The paywall is not as great as it's been made out to be.

By Jacob Smith /

We’ve barely scrubbed the codename NX from our grimy geek minds, and yet, the Nintendo Switch is almost about to unleash its versatile self all over us. While the pre-release embargo has not quite been lifted, there is still plenty of info spilling out from unboxing videos and early impressions, even if those impressions have so much red tape around them they might as well be an arts and crafts club putting on a May Day fair.


Early promise is positive, and with the first console Zelda game since Skyward sword the lone marquee title for launch there is plenty of anticipation. Fully aware that the prospect of a new Zelda title is enough to get many a salivating sucker to shill out for the console on launch day, Nintendo have sought to sweeten the pot by adding an expansion pass that will let you get your hands on a pair of upcoming DLC packs for the game, as well as some launch day goodness.

Obviously, the internet was miffed.

But put down your pitchforks and wipe those memories of Mankind Divided from your mind, as this is not the unmitigated marketing muck-up you might otherwise mistake it for.

10. It’s An Open-World Game

So I don’t know if you’ve heard or not, but Breath of the Wild is going to be a completely open world experience. They’ve been keeping that little nugget quiet, haven’t they? But since it is an open world experience, an expansion pass is the way to go.


Open worlds need to be filled with stuff to do, and even the biggest games eventually start to run out of content. An expansion pass will offer the developers the chance to keep on filling the world, pushing the borders even wider.

The game of course needs to be and feel full to begin with, and the pass should not be an excuse to fill in space that was left empty to begin with. But by using the expansion pass to add new dungeons, story elements and areas, the game can present new angles to be explored that may not have fit in with the original game.
