10 Reasons No One Cares About Xbox One & PS4 Next Gen Consoles

By Scott Tailford /

With there only being about a month to go until the €˜next generation€™ is upon us, it begs the question as to why there seems to be a complete lack of buzz around the releases of the new Xbox and PlayStation consoles. Even heavyweights Ubisoft have delayed their Assassin€™s Creed-esque titan Watch Dogs alongside open-world driving game The Crew, under the guise that the games needed to be €˜fine tuned€™ before release. Take that as you will, but the fact remains that for many these games were system-sellers, and the very reason they were struggling to stymie up any positive energy towards forking out another considerable amount of money for the sake of playing something slightly shinier in the first place. Therefore it prompts the question: €˜If delaying a couple of major titles is enough to cause console pre-orders to be withdrawn and Ubisoft€™s shares to plummet, what were people holding onto outside of that?€™ I remember the hype leading up to the launch of the PS2, back when console wars were something fought across playgrounds and work spaces, the screenshots of the likes of Tekken Tag Tournament, SSX and Timesplitters were nothing short of salivating. We had to have that console as soon as yesterday, and the resulting clamour to get a hold of one set in motion what became pretty much the greatest console run in history, beginning with the sort of fandom more commonly seen around film premieres or Apple launch events. However even though the big-wigs are intent on telling us it€™s going to be the biggest launch ever, something feels off this time around, and here€™s 10 reasons why.