10 Reasons Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Is STILL The Best Game Of The Generation

Why are people still talking about this game 3 years later?

By Rhys Snaith /

The Zelda franchise has been entertaining us for decades, with its newest title absolutely astonishing everyone in more ways than one. Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released early in 2017 and instantly became what many fans, old and new alike, would describe as a masterpiece. Since then, a multitude of gaming titles have came and gone, yet this Nintendo game still remains a good head and shoulders above most.


A single game which can encourage thousands of people to purchase a new console needs to have a great deal of quality, and Breath of the Wild certainly delivered. For some it's about nostalgia, but for many others it's more than than that. This game brings something to the table that frankly other games are lacking, and you don't have to be a die-hard fan of the franchise to get hours of enjoyment out of it - though it certainly helps.

This list is in no particular order, and all of the points only add to what makes this game phenomenal. So strap on your Hylian Shield and Master Sword like you have so many times before, but be prepared for a brand new experience as you delve once more into the wonderful world of Hyrule.

10. Innovation

With how incredible and beloved the Legend of Zelda franchise has been over the last three decades, ‘Nostalgia’ almost ended up on this list. However, while it’s true that fans love a title they recognise, it didn’t seem fair to this game to base its success off that of its predecessors. Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a new game in its own right.


While it may be true that any loyal Zelda fan will recognise elements of this game from previous titles – whether it be the revamped and enlarged areas bearing the same names they’ve grown up with, the familiar plot line, or even something as minor as Epona’s theme which plays near every stable – this game takes one of the most formulaic franchises and throws out half the formula.

The joke has been made before that the title should’ve been Zelda: Breath of Fresh Air, but while the joke may be overplayed, it is not unwarranted in the slightest. Breath of the Wild takes the things we know and love about Zelda games and gives us so much more. The dungeons feel fresh, the landscape is incredible, and the numerous cutscenes give the characters a personality to a level we’ve never seen before.
