10 Ridiculously Ambitious Video Games That Failed Horribly

Over-hyped turds, buggy messes and under-appreciated masterpieces.

By Tom Butler /

It's always refreshing to see video game developers with ambition. In such a risky industry it's easy to see how tempting it is for publishers to push for the safest option, following a proven formula. A market full of safe options isn't healthy though, and it's the ambitious, pioneering titles that help push the industry forwards though, Unfortunately, there have been many video games through history that have proven the high risk associated with too much ambition. From incredibly bloated budgets to narratives too epic in scope for the developers to handle, some games were simply too ambitious to possibly succeed. This list takes a look at 10 ridiculously ambitious games that failed horribly. Whether they were masterpieces too ahead of their time to succeed commercially, or just average games that never came close to their ambition, each of these entries were felled by the developers' lofty ambitions.