10 Scariest Video Game Moments Of The Generation

PS4, Xbox One, Switch - which scenes terrified you the most?

By Jules Gill /

Saying goodbye to something is actually much more than just a sad moment, it's a fearful one. It's letting go of the old and embracing the uncertain new, and as much as this is sometimes very important for growth, it can be a chilling prospect.


With the new generation of consoles landing with a deafening thud, it's awakened within us a sense of wonder as to what the future holds, but is causing us to say goodbye to old video game friends in the process.

But what's this? A hand rising from the grave? What is this? An over-sentimental segue designed to lead me into today's talking point?

No! (Well, yes) it's the hand of horror video games that are now grabbing us for one last fling with fear before the earth consumes them once more. Taking note of these ten games is going to be important for the scary games to come because these moments didn't just haunt us throughout this last console generation, they may have left a few scars along the way.


Article adapted from WhatCulture Gaming's Youtube channel - watch here!

10. Being Killed INSIDE A Safe Hiding Place - Alien: Isolation

There's nothing better than outsmarting a video game villain. It's a rush to dodge past their attacks, belt it down a corridor and then relax and laugh as they run around like a Scooby-Doo baddie, desperately searching for you and looking like a chump while doing it.


Then along came the Xenomorph and re-wrote the definition of "safety" by literally ripping the term to pieces. This was an enemy that was as clever as it was deadly.

With two A.I brains controlling it (one who knows where you are but can only communicate to the other via clues, and the other being in charge of the body) the creature would eventually learn your position and make you pay dearly for trying to fool it.

As soon as you notice this, Alien: Isolation becomes a game so tense it feels like it will snap your TV in half. It's a drawn-out heart attack and yet it's so utterly enthralling you can't help but come back. And those challenge mode sections? Woof.
