10 Scummiest Moves Made By Video Game Publishers

They tried to do WHAT?

By Josh Staples /

Games companies always seem to find themselves in hot water these days. With the advent of the internet, it's much easier to see news about these companies as well as dive into their dealings and you know what? It's almost never good. They can’t seem to hide anything from us now and most don’t try to.


Whether it’s hurting its workers or their customers it all seems in the pursuit of profit and the last thing on their mind is ethics. Selling unfinished games, stopping you from playing them, or even going as far as working their employees half to death to meet an unrealistic deadline. They don’t seem to care because they’ve got money on the mind.

Their crimes are not forgotten here. You won’t believe some of the things these games companies have tried to get away over the years.

These are 10 of the scummiest movies made by video game publishers.

10. CTR Added Microtransactions After Launch

After Crash made his big comeback in 2017 with the N Sane Trilogy things seemed to look good for Activision. It was clear that people wanted to see more of the Bandicoot and they geared up to remake his kart racer. We got Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled in mid-2019 and that came out to equally great reviews.


Yet this is how everything went wrong. On release, the game had a system where you earned coins by playing the game on or offline to unlock characters, cars, and skins. Yet after the game got amazing reviews it was largely replaced with microtransactions a few weeks later.

With this, the game got all the great reviews on its opening week. Only to fill it with microtransactions after even saying that they weren't going too. Even though fans had heard rumblings it might happen.

The worst part being that the game's progression system would have kept it's online going for a long time. Having to earn coins by actually playing the game to unlock new characters and cars as they came out. So, it’s no surprise the weeks after this system the player base for the game dropped.

Why play the game to unlock stuff when you can pay Activision for it instead?
