10 Starting Weapons In Games That Are Secretly Overpowered

True power was in your pockets all along.

By Michael Fincher /

A typical progression in video games has you start your adventure with terrible base equipment and then slowly work your way to more powerful items through completing quests and receiving rewards.


However, not all of your starting equipment is actually terrible. In some games, the dull-looking blade or the pea-shooter of a gun you're given at the start hides the potential to become the most powerful weapon in the game. You just have to understand how to unlock it.

In some cases, turning your starting weapon into end-game equipment is as simple as picking the right upgrades for it. In other games, it might require more elaborate methods or simply learning a trick that gives it an edge over other options in the game.

Whatever the case may be, the following items aren't actually as weak as they may appear when you start the game. They secretly have what it takes to carry you through the whole game, and if you know what you're doing, you'll never feel the need to switch them for something else.

10. Pistol - Deus Ex

The staples of the futuristic dystopia of Deus Ex are the cybernetic augments that enhance the capabilities of their users.


The mods are mostly associated with improving the body of your character, JC Denton, but they can also be used on his weapons, and this is how you can turn the basic pistol into the most powerful gun in the game.

Out of all the weapons in the game, the pistol comes with the largest amount of mod slots that you can fill up with all of the best upgrades that give it a significant edge over other weapons in the game. If done correctly, your pistol should turn into a mini-sniper rifle, capable of taking out enemies at any range with insta-kill bullets that pierce through their bodies as if they were made out of paper.

It's a lot of fun and quite cost-efficient early in the game, given how much ammo for your small lead dispenser you can find.

Not that you'd care much for frugality in the corporate nightmare of Deus Ex's world.
