10 Starting Weapons In Games That Are Secretly Overpowered

9. 45 Shepherd - Saints Row: The Third


Saints Row: The Third, like many other titles in the series, boasts a huge selection of ridiculous weapons like a shark launcher and a rubber fist that makes people explode into tiny, grisly pieces.

However, when it comes to raw power, the most reliable and deadly weapon you can obtain in the game is actually one of the two basic pistols you purchase in the first mission.

Despite its ordinary looks and lackluster initial damage, the 45 Shepherd pistol can be turned into an absolutely crazy and lethal weapon of mass destruction, thanks to the upgrades you unlock for them while progressing through the game. The Sheperd upgrades not only increase its damage and ammo capacity but eventually allow you to turn it into two guns that shoot incendiary and explosive bullets.

Yes, your little peashooter can become two hand-held grenade launchers that shoot bullet-sized bombs, capable of blowing up cars, with each pull of the trigger.

The gun is the most destructive and chaotic weapon in your roster. And that's saying something, considering one of its contenders was a literal shark-summoning cannon.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.