10 Surreal Gaming Easter Eggs You Won’t Believe Exist

Apparently hiding adult entertainers in video games isn't as rare as you'd think.

By Zoë Miskelly /

Adding references and easter eggs to games is now practically a right of passage. While we all want to focus on satisfying mechanics and an engaging story lines, there's also something special about getting that little extra out of it that feels all the more rewarding.


After all, uncovering something that most other players haven't will always feel unique, especially if it's in a game you already loved. Having interactions with players that feels personal will always be one of the most difficult parts of creating games - but adding in obscure, bizarre, and surreal easter eggs in spots few would find provides what feels like a genuine prize to inquisitive individuals.

And while some of these are downright strange or not worth finding yourself, they're still cool to learn about - even if you only do so to wonder why on Earth someone spent their valuable time coding it into a game.

With secret rooms, adult entertainers, and technical espionage galore, seeing these easter eggs reminds you of just how much effort creators put in their work - and how downright weird some of the things they choose to create are.

10. The Chris Houlihan Room - Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past

For many people, having their name in a game is a lifelong goal. It can lead to working tirelessly for a job, or - more painfully - holding on to a job that isn't right for them in order to ensure that their name is attached to the finished project. In short, it's a big deal, that can often require an almost unsettling amount of sacrifice.


Unless, of course, you're Chris Houlihan. Because after winning a content in Nintendo Power, a small secret room in A Link to The Past was named after Chris, complete with a small plaque attesting to this.

And secret it has remained for many who've played it - even those who've been through the game countless times.

It's hidden away incredibly well, to the point that most players who find it by accident tend to only do so because the game will spawn you there if, for whatever reason, it can't seem to load the area you need. Which means you're actually better off breaking the game to try and find the room, even if you already know about it.
