10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

The most shameful titles you ever bought in pursuit of bumping up that treasured Gamerscore. Shame on you...

By Sam Coleman /

Could Microsoft have ever envisioned the immense success of their achievement system when they implemented it way back in 2005? There's something amazingly addictive about the little tiles and their gamerscore values. Is it the little boop when you get one? Is it the sense of achievement and pride in earning a particularly hard one? Maybe we value the competitive nature of achievements; the rewarding knowledge that we're bettering our friends and families everytime we earn a new one.


Some games refuse to give up their Gamerscore easily though. Many require hours and hours of dedication and repetition to come close to a valuable completion; some games feature a single achievement that requires hundreds of hours of work.

Completing a hard game might be a big reward but it's not going to better your mate's Gamerscore quickly, is it? That's why we value the quick and easy completions far more; the games that simply want to hand us achievements on a silver platter. It's a shame that very few good games want to hand over Gamerscore but hey, easy achievements can make even the worst game more bareable.


The following ten games are notoriously bad games which no man should have to endure. However, we Achievement Hunters will seek out Gamerscore whether it may be found and so we venture into these games knowing we're dooming ourselves to hours of torture and punishment; these games may be short but they most definitely are not sweet.

(Disclaimer: Undoubtedly some will read this list and go play these games in search of quick and easy Gamerscore. We at WhatCulture take no responsibility for the pain and suffering this will cause you.)
