10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

10. Alone In The Dark

Alone In The Dark is the hardest game on this list to complete (not that that's much of an achievement) but it's still regarded as an easy way to boost your gamescore quickly. That is, if you don't eject the disc from your console and toss it out of the nearest window first.

A reboot of the classic survival horror series, Alone In The Dark has some pretty neat gameplay ideas. Enemies can only be killed through the use of fire (suggesting a need for resourceful and quick thinking) and your inventory is literally what main character Edward Carnby can carry in his pockets; unique gameplay ideas on paper, terrible in execution as they slow the gameplay down drastically, forcing you to take unneccesary risks too often.

The controls are also the most terrifying aspect of the game. They cripple Edward to the point where simply swinging at the easiest enemies in the game becomes an uphill battle; it quickly becomes frustrating. Still, it offers four achievements simply for watching cutscenes and a healthy 150GS simply for finishing the game; the game might haunt you for the rest of your life but once the completion is in the bag, you can put the nightmare behind you.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.