10 TERRIFYING Enemies From Children's Video Games

How was this rated "for everyone"?!

By Emily Watson /

Games designed with children as their primary audience tend to be calm and colourful, right? They want to inspire a sense of wonder and adventure, right?? The enemies would never be deliberately fear-inducing... right?!


Well, in certain games, the appearance - or even movements - of some enemies can directly contradict this idea. Quite severely, in fact.

The real terror from these enemies stems not just from their appearance - sudden, or otherwise - but because these games present certain expectations beforehand. Parents buy these types of games for children, because they are deemed fun and appropriate, and for the most part, that holds true.

What may start off as a fun-filled adventure can soon be filled with nightmare-inducing encounters, though. It can lead even the bravest gamer staring at the screen in sheer disbelief, or afterwards, playing a bright and cheerful platformer with a sense of dread.

Of course, fear is subjective, so whilst some may scoff dismissively at these enemies, others may have switched the game off, or even dropped their controller out of sheer fright.

That would be a miscalculation, because how will they escape these enemies now??

10. Fantasy Life - The Lord Of The Dead

Fantasy Life is a fun and addictive role-playing game, focusing on the player choosing their classes (or lives) such as becoming a Paladin or Magician. Naturally, this means that there are going to be enemies to face and conquer.


The Lord of the Dead is unique enemy, because not only does it appear exclusively in Dry Sand Desert at night, but for first time players, its first appearance can be completely unexpected.

The Lord of the Dead emerges the moment the sun sets, but where it generates in the desert can be completely random. Having a high-level, aggressive enemy spawn practically on top of your character is nearly always an unwelcome experience.

Players will most likely have also fought many tough enemies by the time they encounter this enemy, depending on the lives they have chosen. Therefore, they may feel confident in attacking this foe, but without an experienced party to rely on, that first encounter will be difficult at best.

The Lord of the Dead wanders the desert throughout the night-time cycle and can catch players unawares with its fast and erratic movements. This is signified only by a tiny dot marking its location and crashing footsteps as it draws nearer and nearer.
