10 Things You Unlock After Finishing Video Games (That Make You Want To Keep Playing)

Just when you think you're out, they pull you back in.

By Michael Fincher /

The concept of New Game Plus has been a pretty popular addition to most games in recent years. Pretty much every major title out there has a special mode that allows you to start the game over with all of your items and unlocks, after beating it for the first time.


However, the problem with this type of content is that the fun of playing with all of your high level gear doesn't last very long. Sure, it can be fun to obliterate the enemies you were struggling with before, but as soon as the charm of overpowered items wears off, you probably won't find a good reason to keep playing.

This is why some games out there try to lure you back in with something extra; a whole new part of the story for you to experience, or perhaps a special game mode that completely flips certain mechanics on their head.

These aren't just simple gimmicks that will keep you entertained for a moment or two. The following games will make you feel as if you're starting a whole new game after finishing the main story.

10. Reverse / Rebirth Mode - Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories is a sequel to the original Kingdom Hearts, which sets up the events of Kingdom Hearts II. The game's story is clearly one of its most important aspects, and the reward you get for finishing Chain of Memories ties into it perfectly.


After beating the game for the first time, the player unlocks a special story mode called Reverse / Rebirth mode.

Although it has a pretty eclectic name (just like every other title in Kingdom Hearts), the premise of the unlock is actually quite simple: The mode allows you to play as Riku, Sora's lost friend, and experience the game's storyline all over again from his perspective.

The mode is surprising detailed, and the fact that it perfectly parallels the events of the main game makes for a really interesting experience that adds more depth and context to your previous journey. On top of that, Riku comes with his own set of abilities and mechanics to keep the combat fresh.

Nowadays, you could easily picture something like this being DLC, but Chain of Memories allows you to play this mode for free if you get through Sora's side of things first.
