10 Things You Unlock After Finishing Video Games (That Make You Want To Keep Playing)

9. "Old Game" Mode - MediEvil (2019)

nier automata

MediEvil is one of the more charming PS1 classics, with a fantastically spooky setting and an adorably bony protagonist, Sir Daniel Fortesque. The game's 2019 remake does a good job of recreating the magic of the original, but if for some reason you feel like it just doesn't scratch your nostalgia spot properly, the game's awesome post-game mode has you covered.

After you beat the remake for the first time, a new option will appear in the main menu, simply called "Old Game".

As soon as you click on it, you will be welcomed by the familiar sound of the PlayStation 1 startup screen and then immediately put into the original version of MediEvil, complete with polygonal graphics and the nightmare fuel face of Zarok the Sorcerer in the intro.

Now you can replay the entire game in the same exact way you would have done two decades ago. But nostalgia is not your only reward. The mode also gives you the opportunity to compare the old game to the new one. It's a great way to appreciate how far video games have advanced since the early days of the PlayStation 1.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.