10 Times DLC Saved Broken Video Games

Wait, DLC can be a GOOD thing?!

By Kevin McCasland /

If there's anything in gaming culture more repulsive to the ear than 'Games as a service,' it's DLC. With the ever-growing presence of microtransactions (which is just downloadable content with no value), gamers have become quite hesitant to have any faith in post-launch content with a buy-in fee. Even if there's no price tag attached to it, there's still this perception that when a developer releases a Day 1 patch or a series of patches, the game's seen as unfinished and rushed out.


But what if I told you that sometimes, sometimes, DLC is actually a good thing? Yes, you'd prefer an experience that doesn't require a designated wait time before it reaches its potential, but when it comes to making a satisfactory experience, DLC can be a necessary means to an end. Whether it's multiple free content drops or paid expansions, titles on this list were given a second chance post-release. They didn't meet expectations when fans first got their hands on it, but over time became something more in-line with what they promised in their marketing.

Downloadable content will always be best as a complementary component as there's no way to fix an at-its-core, broken title with patches. However, if the game is foundationally-sound, then it may rise up to be something rather impressive after some proper additions.

10. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor

The toughest thing Fallout 4 had to deal with was following the titles that came before it. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had a great sense of depth and openness in how each playthrough would transpire. Fallout 4, in comparison, completely faltered when examined under a microscope (as Todd Howard himself has admitted some of its flaws, including the dialogue system). Worst of all, the game simply lacked a ton of intrigue and super interesting locations (with all-too-few exceptions).


However, through the majesty of FO4's pricey season pass came Far Harbor, which easily became the game's standout section. From Mirelurk queens to the simply awesome harpoon guns, the entirety of the FH map was full of intriguing concepts and secrets to uncover. All of this, while having its own standalone plotline that keeps you interested throughout without ever straying your focus with side activities.

It served as a great representation of Bethesda Game Studios at its post-apocalyptic best. Darkly comic tone, inventive missions, all within an environment that feels delightfully fresh. If only the entire game maintained the same level of inspiration and creativity.
