10 Unannounced Video Games You'll Probably Be Playing By The End Of 2016

Red Dead 3? Watch Dogs 2? It's not as crazy as it sounds...

By Josh Brown /

Although we're four months into 2016 by now, much of the upcoming gaming year remains somewhat of a mystery. Sure, we've got some major releases on the horizon, and we're sure as hell going to get a new Call of Duty from Infinity Ward come November, but with all of the year's biggest media events still to come, there are plenty of unannounced games destined to hit consoles within the next eight months.


And after a little bit of digging and research, I've put together a list of the ten that look the most likely to be in our homes by the year's end. By charting the development history of certain studios, looking into investor calls or just making educated guesses based around a publisher's 2016 schedule, there's a good chance that a few big-hitters are being primed for a release in a few month's time.

While it might seem like a quick turnaround, developers these days are cagier than ever when it comes to announcing new games. After spending years being burned by the constantly-shifting release dates of something like The Division, it seems many other studios are taking a page out of Fallout 4's book, favouring a rapid initial announcement-to-release schedule and getting their games on shelves before hype is allowed to saturate.

Although it might look like 2016 is going to be the comedown from 2015's onslaught of great games, these unannounced releases might just be enough to blow that year out the water.

10. Watch Dogs 2

Likelihood: 9/10


Although it didn't quite meet the expectations that many fans had before release, you have to remember that the original Watch Dogs was still a massive hit commercially, and, while not receiving the greatest scores, wasn't a total washout with the critics either.

Yet pretty much ever since its release in 2014 Ubisoft has refused to comment on its future. However, they haven't been quite as tight-lipped in their business and shareholder investor calls. With the publisher letting slip that Watch Dogs 2 is set to hit consoles this fiscal year (April 2016 - March 2017), and taking into consideration how barren Ubisoft's fall lineup is (especially without an Assassin's Creed to bank on), it's looking very likely that this ambitious sequel will be one of the company's tent-pole 2016 releases. 

And if that's not enough, Watch Dogs 2 has been popping up on developer resumes for over a year now, proving that, even if it doesn't squeeze into this year's release schedule, we'll no doubt be playing Ubisoft's sequel sooner, rather than later.
