10 Unintentionally Creepy Video Game Characters

By Shaun Munro /

this strange. Whatever the reason, these characters clearly betrayed the original intent of the developers, and the end result is in fact pretty damn creepy.

10. Sunny - Metal Gear Solid 4

That's right, Olga Gurlukovich's daughter Sunny, the face of innocence in MGS4, is also one of the creepiest characters; her grey hair and piercing eyes give her the resemblance of a Silent Hill character more than a regular child, though that's precisely it - she's anything but normal. The strange dress sense - clashing black boots with striped socks - the constant egg-making in-between missions, and her chirpy demeanour are all unsettling when juxtaposed against Old Snake's cranky, beaten-down attitude. We like to think her weirdness is the result of Snake filling her mother with tranquillisers while she was pregnant during the tanker mission of MGS2; she's a fiercely intelligent child prodigy, but this only adds to her strangeness, and the fact it's hard to think of her as a child or an adult. Her vacant eyes and general look would make her fit in perfectly with one of the Children of the Corn, and she doesn't really have the calming effect that we expect Hideo Kojima wanted her to.
