10 Upcoming Gaming Moments That Will Define 2015

The Arkham Knight's identity might be the moment of the decade.

By Scott Tailford /

You know when you take a look at an upcoming event, and you just know it's going to be fantastic? Like seeing a band as with a good few albums worth of material or watching a movie from an established director, you can predict fairly well which parts of any given experience are going to blow you away provided they come true. It's easy to then let them these consume and shape your mind going in - you need only apply this concept to something like the lead-up and release of Watch Dogs for confirmation. At the same time when taking a look at the games of 2015, there's just as many pivotal scenes and experiences that regardless of whether they're loved or hated, will still define the whole year. It's not just about the questions around whether something is fun to play or not either, there's big cultural shifts happening with new tech like virtual reality headsets taking off, and the titans of the industry regaining their footing after a very naff year. Whatever happens, all the right pieces are in place for 2015 to be very memorable, but whether that'll be positively or negatively depends on a handful of key things.