10 Upcoming Gaming Moments That Will Define 2015

10. Whether Or Not Solid Snake/David Hayter Is In Metal Gear Solid V

At this stage you've either given up on Metal Gear's own brand of madness following the many wrap-up cutscenes from MGS 4, or you're joining the masses with their torches and pitchforks, berating Hideo Kojima for replacing one of the most legendary voice actors in the business. Screenwriter David Hayter has been the ice-cool voice of Solid Snake since the series went to 3D, and right from the announcement that Kiefer Sutherland would be taking over in MGS V, fans weren't happy. Even worse was throughout prequel release Ground Zeroes it felt like Kiefer recorded his paltry amount of lines in an afternoon, breathlessly getting through them with none of the weight and resonance Hayter effortlessly delivers. There's plenty of rumours flying around that the whole thing is just to set up the return of Hayter as Solid Snake - Kiefer's Venom Snake is Solid's father in the canon - and it does make sense that the other character should have a different voice anyway, but whatever Kojima's got under his sleeve is sure to capsize the boat when it's unveiled.
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