10 Video Game Bosses Only Hardcore Players Beat

Not for the fainthearted.

By Michael John-Day /

There's an endless amount of folk who love to kick back with a good video game to escape the mundanity of real life. However, some players go beyond casual fun, dedicating so much time and effort into honing their skills with a controller (or mouse and keyboard) that they transcend the average and become something else: Hardcore!


These players are the types who can make a Dark Souls run look easier than playing the first level of Super Mario Bros. But even those with impeccable amounts of talent have their skills tested now and then.

That's where impossible boss fights come into the mix, as they provide an additional challenge to the bravest of gamers and only fall victim to the best of the best.

The following bosses are notorious for putting players in their place. In some cases, this is down to their sheer difficulty, and in others, it's getting to them in the first place. No matter what, it's easy to say that you'll need to "get good" to tangle with these foes.

If you were able to take down these bosses, you're a cut above the rest.

10. The Riddler - Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman has an exceptional array of villains in his catalogue, and, as such, the Arkham series has seen rise to many great boss encounters. The Riddler showdown from Arkham Knight is certainly not one of the toughest in that line-up.


However, actually getting to the showdown at all is a night-impossible task, especially without a guide.

In order to unlock this fight, you need to beat Edward Nigma at his own game, i.e. solving every single riddle, finding every single trophy, shattering every breakable object, and stopping every bomb-rioter. Just for the record, there are 243 Riddler puzzles in Gotham, and it will take you hours to beat all of them, even if you're using cheat sheets.

At the end, Riddler's fight isn't too gruelling. It's certainly no Mr. Freeze (Arkham City) or Bane (Arkham Origins). But, again, your levels of patience and dedication to get this last boss and achieve the game's "true ending" need to soar higher than Wayne Tower.

Even most hardcore fans questioned whether this fight and the "true ending" were worth it after dragging this guy to the GCPD.
