10 Video Game Characters Who Broke Into Song

Who was full of emotion and couldn't keep it in any more?

By Rhys Snaith /

Gaming has been a key pastime since they were invented, only becoming more so as newer technologies allow us to fully immerse ourselves in these fictional worlds. In recent years especially, games have become much more like films.


You might still have control over what happens, but some titles have become more of a spectator sport, with their incredibly long cut-scenes and realistic graphics looking like they're taken directly from the real world.

However, a much less common occurrence is when a game resembles a musical. I'm not talking about the score, as plenty of games have an amazing soundtrack, instead I'm talking about when characters spontaneously burst into song for a number of reasons.

For some it's a profession, for others a distraction, and for a few they don't want anyone overhearing them at all. Plunge yourselves into a world where gaming meets music, where even the most deadly of assassins can strike up a tune and bring a tear to your eye.

Honourable Mention - Ellie's Song

Ellie may not have burst into song mid-scene like everyone else here, but she still deserves a mention.

Voice actor Ashley Johnson's cover of Shawn James’ song portrays what she’s been through up until that point. It's solemn, beautiful and essential.

10. Priscilla (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Whether a fan of the books, the games, the Netflix show or all three, we know that Geralt is an apathetic character. He’s incapable of expressing his emotions in the simplest of forms, let alone of singing a love song to Yennefer. Luckily, our favourite witcher has an aid in the form of Priscilla the Callonetta who through song is able perfectly capture his innermost thoughts and feelings.


The Wolven Storm is a gorgeous song which seemingly comes out of nowhere, expressing Geralt’s love for Yennefer and his suffering at her absence. Lyrics such as ‘violet eyes’ and mention of ‘raven locks’ make it clear who the song is about and give a great deal of characterisation to our normally cold protagonist, even if he isn’t the one singing. There’s no direct mention of Geralt in the song, but the ‘wolf in the storm’ which Priscilla sings about can only mean one man.
