10 Video Game Confessions We’re Not Proud Of

We've all done things we're not proud of over the years... time to 'fess up!

By Sam Heard /


Gaming is a medium that enables us to escape the drudgery of getting up every morning to go to work, the nagging of spouses and the constant correspondence from T-Mobile telling you your phone bill is overdue.


It transports us to faraway lands where we have the freedom to do incredible things that we would never do in reality (unless you're a Cooking Mama player). From the comfort of our armchairs, cut off from society, it can be easy to do things that we're not proud of while gaming.

Whether it be nuking Megaton in Fallout 3 or shooting innocent citizens in the head in GTA, sometimes gaming just brings out the worst in us. Some are personal low-points like the guy who hacks on Counter Strike yet still somehow gets killed while others are embarrassing lows which gaming has forced many of us to sink to. We encourage everyone to join the discussion and own up to the most embarrassing thing they've done in their long gaming career.


No judgements will be made sometimes it just helps to get these things out in the open. To inspire you, here are our video game confessions we're... not exactly proud of.