10 Video Game Enemies We Hate More Than The Final Boss

The basic enemies that make the final challenge feel like a breeze.

By John Tibbetts /

Typically, the final boss is meant to be the game's hardest challenge. This follows simple logic - why wouldn't the last thing you do in a game be the most challenging? And, though tough in their own right, the basic enemies you come across on your way to the boss are meant to just be a constant, quick refresher of your reflexes when it comes to the game's mechanics. 


But some game devs do their job a little too well. 

Sure, some basic enemies are intended to be harder than others, but sometimes they take it so far in the opposite direction that the final boss feels like a breeze in comparison. Either because of their mechanics, how many of them you fight at once, how much punishment they can take before they go down, or a combination of all three if you're really up the creek - some video game enemies just have negative chill. 

These ten enemies made you look at the final boss - with its spinning flaming death saws and rainbow lasers that shoot out of its armpits - and go "Yeah, but at least he wasn't that guy two rooms back."

10. Insect Swarms - Resident Evil 7

Now, frustration is the point of some horror games. Even in titles with fluid, responsive controls, you're still meant to feel constantly on your back foot, as if one bad move, one wrong corner turned - can make you lose it all. But the insect swarms in Resident Evil 7 take that to an entirely new level. 


Being a gross house, housing gross people, and filled with gross things, naturally the Baker house has a lot of bugs. The most annoying of these are the bug swarms. While they don't do much damage as long as you aren't standing there letting them attack you, they heavily obscure your vision, and most of your weapons cannot harm them. The only way to be rid of them is with the flamethrower, and even then, you have to attack their nest if you want them to stay gone. This eats through your flamethrower ammo very quickly, and that is ammo that you want to treasure like it's water in the desert. 

While at the bottom due to them adding to the game's overall theme of helplessness, it's no shock that fans hate these things way more than they hate the Bakers. 
