10 Video Game Enemies We Hate More Than The Final Boss

9. Malboro - Final Fantasy

Cazadore Thumb
Square Enix

Final Fantasy loves to reuse ideas from game to game. Being a series whose every entry is fundamentally different from the ones before, it makes sense to have recurring elements to tie it all together. This includes characters like the ever-present Cid, the names of spells, and certain iconic enemies. And one that every fan dreads running into is the Malboro.

The Malboro is a mid-tier enemy in most Final Fantasy games and is a rite of passage for newbies. Because newbies always fall for the Malboro's most infamous ability: Foul Breath.

Foul Breath hits you with every status ailment in the game at once, instantly turning the flow of the fight against the players because now they have to play defense while they undo the damage. 

The Malboro is an infuriatingly ingenious wild card in classic Final Fantasy's random encounter system. But it's so low on the list because - hated as it is - players only fall for that trick once. Unless you are profoundly unlucky, a Malboro will rarely hit you with foul breath right away. And once they're wise to the game, most players will make getting the Malboro off of the board their immediate priority. 

Still, that hasn't stopped players from holding this tentacle nightmare demon in deeper contempt than most final bosses.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?