10 Video Game Features Players Used To Love (But Are Now Sick Of)

It's guaranteed you're sick of at least two of these.

By Nathaniel Atherton /

Video games are an ever evolving form of entertainment, notorious for introducing new things that amaze even the most seasoned players. But, as with everything, they're prone to the old saying "you can have too much of a good thing". When first introduced, new game features can be, well, game changers.


The first time an open-world was created way back in 1984. This was a small gem called Courageous Perseus, and it influenced one of the most significant open-world games in video game history: The Legend of Zelda. However, since then it has became an overused concept; with hundreds, if not thousands, of games following in its footsteps.

There are many features that have become stale over the years, frustrating players when implemented into games with no real rhyme or reason.

Sometimes it can feel like developers add them in to simply bring in a larger audience; flaunting all of the new features added to their game regardless of how well they work. So without further ado, here are a collection of video game features that people used to love, but are now sick of.

10. Survival Bars

A staple of survival games, survival bars can add a new level of challenge; making the player look after the character they're playing as, unless they wish to perish due to lack of food or water.


Although this feature has a place in a lot of games, it's starting to feel like constantly having to babysit the playable character's needs is more of an added task to be ticked off in order to fill time.

Many of these games have fantastic narratives to follow, and fun mechanics to go with these. But it's really hard to follow a story and complete main questlines when you're worrying if you have enough bread to carry you over until the end.

A perfect example of this would be We Happy Few; a game with such a good setting that it raised more on Kickstarter than it set out. This can be accredited to the excitement people had to play in the eerie Wellington Wells.

Following the story behind the drug 'Joy', as well as the individual stories of the playable characters, posed a breath of fresh air from the generic shooters and battle royales we were becoming accustomed to.

However, it was hard to enjoy the lovingly crafted story when players were constantly dragged out of the narrative to pick berries or fill canisters with water.
