10 Video Game Level Types That Must Die Next Generation

Oh, you can only take one hit and need to be escorted somewhere? Yeah, get an Uber.

By Johnny Owens /

So we're once again coming to the end of another generation of gaming, and what a ride it's been. So much has happened... but I can't be bothered trying to remember any of it, so I'll just trust that you can remember all the good stuff that happened over the years.


Seriously though, there have really been some phenomenal, seminal moments in gaming history over the course of these last seven years, and a new wave of consoles and games means developers have a chance to maybe take some risks and implement some fresh new ideas... and to trim some of the fat.

As great as most of this generation has been, the new one provides a chance to get rid of some of the most god-awful types of missions we've had to suffer through as players. Some so bad they actually risked us quitting the game entirely.

Now, I understand that you might not agree with all of these, hell you might even like some of these missions, and that's all cool, everyone has the right to be wrong. You also might think we missed out some of the worst offenders, and if that's the case then let us know in the comments and maybe we'll do a follow up at some point. Much love.

10. Water Levels

Okay, let's get this straight first of all: swimming in real life is weird. Swimming in no way feels natural. It's sort of like you're trying your best to fly through porridge. If something is already that unnatural in reality then trying to create an imitation of it should really just never have been something anyone should have attempted in the first place.


The major problem with water levels is that the physics we've become acquainted with are thrown out the window and instead we're stuck with some janky physics and a character who can't move straight. Nothing about Lara Croft swimming in circles screams "badass tomb raider". Most water levels are also practically pitch black and, of course, there'll be something like a shark or some nonsense that can kill your porridge-swimming ass in one hit.

However, some water levels suck the big one without you even being directly in the water a lot of the time. The jet ski sections in Uncharted? Garbage! The water temple in Ocarina of time? Trash! Every moment we hear the drowning music from Sonic that haunts our nightmares to this day? Continued years of therapy!

Oh, and what did everyone always want from a Kingdom Hearts game? A goddamn quicktime musical event? No one asked for that! No wonder the third one sucked. Ironically, all of you can get in the goddamn sea.
