10 Video Game Little Guys Who Had No Right To Win

The underdogs of gaming who show that we can all be heroes.

By Sam Coleman /

If the movies can teach us one thing, it's that everybody loves an underdog story. Rocky, Cool Runnings, Dodgeball... There's countless tales where the guys who stood no chance actually came out on top. Perhaps they inspire us to shoot for greatness ourselves or maybe we simply grow attached to the downtrodden characters who desperately want to better themselves; whatever it is, we can't get enough. Video games have their own underdog heroes but, admittedly, they're a lot harder to come across. After all, video game heroes are often impossibly bulky or hold fantastical abilities and powers; how on earth could they ever be considered the underdogs? Still, there are heroes out there who embody that 'little guy' spirit and not just in a physical sense. Many heroes have to overcome mental and physical stumbling blocks before they can become the hero they are destined to be. We can grow attached to these guys easily as overcoming adversity is sadly a common factor in everyday life; perhaps we can begin to see the hero in all of us. This list celebrates gaming's most iconic 'little guys' or underdogs and looks at the ways they inspired us and hooked us into their stories. Whether it was physical shortcomings or emotional baggage, every character on this list overcame the pitfalls thrown at them and, in doing so, became certified gaming legends. If you can think of any more characters suitable for this list, please feel free to add them to the comments below.