10 Video Game Sequels That Fixed Specific Fan Complaints

From Animal Crossing: New Horizons to Pokémon Sun and Moon, these sequels resolved some big issues!

By Chris Littlechild /

Sequels are a tricky business, aren’t they? Often, video game developers, movie directors and authors alike are left in a bit of a no-win situation. If the original was a huge success, the follow-up is expected to top it, but not risk straying too far from what made the first instalment great.


That’s the delicate balancing act. What’s the only thing fans hate more than a ’lazy,’ laurel-resting sequel? One that completely transforms everything the original did so well. Change too much or too little and you’re in hot water, game developers.

The best sequels, naturally, are the ones that keep all these points in mind. Developers and publishers can always rely on gamers to speak their minds (just take a look at any video game forum or comments section and you’ll see how much fur is flying), so their opinions and feedback can be valuable resources when it comes to crafting sequels.

The sequels we’re going to take a look at today are all from beloved franchises and all benefited from the developer's willingness to fix complaints from fans.

10. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard: Survival Horror Actually Became A Thing Again

With the original trilogy, the Resident Evil franchise firmly established a successful survival horror formula. The clunky controls, the inventory-wrangling, the static camera angles, the Jill sandwiches..honestly it was perfect.


Then along came Resi 4 which showed us what true perfection actually was. This ushered in a more action B movie focus that Resi 3 had toyed with and delivered on the premise in full.

While fans rightly praise Reisdent evil 4 for it’s brilliant take on action spectacle and gore, when it came to Resi 5 and 6, the enthusiasm was lessened each time because it seemed that Capcom was forgoing it’s survival horror roots in order to become a cheesy action movie.

So what did they do after Resi 6 got slated? Well the took it back to the drawing board with 2017’s Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. While combat is still a heavy focus, ammo is tough to come by and every enemy is a threat, plus the move to first person only heightened the horror of being grabbed by the Baker family...or something much much worse.
