10 Video Games You Had To Hide From Your Parents

We're just going to sit on this pause screen for a while...

By Scott Tailford /


Long before the Wii helped to get granny gaming with the rest of us - or Call of Duty made it acceptable to have a conversation about how to tactically blow someone's legs off - our beloved pixellated medium was something enjoyed mostly in isolation; a hidden hobby we treasured and held deeper than anything else.

Today, gaming is one of the most lucrative industries in the world, with only last month the 500 million dollar-budgeted Destiny causing quite the ruckus as people theorise on just how much content was gutted out for the sake of selling it back to us later. It must be said though, no longer is gaming a male-targeted boobs n' blood sex-fest custom built to tentpole the trousers of teenage boys the world over, instead with mainstream acceptance comes the smoothing over of a whole bunch of challenging subject matter.


However as those times draw to a close and we ruminate on the idea of an all sequel-dominating future, it's fun to look back at the times some of gaming's most ridiculous titles and moments caught us completely off guard. Whether that be through overall tonality or certain scenes, we've all been sat - controller clenched tightly as our parents wandered in unawares - as the preceding mass slaughter gets tucked away behind a perfect prod of the pause button.