10 Video Games You Had To Hide From Your Parents

10. Dead Rising

Although it's gone a bit off the boil with the latest Xbox One instalment, back when Rising first started to appear - with it's hundreds-strong crowd of flesh-loving zombies and weaponisation mechanics - it was one of the many titles that helped the 360 dominate the last generation. Like some of the most beloved B-movies, the tone throughout veers pretty severely down the shock-value gore route only to bounce back into over-the-top fun, case in point being the chainsaw scene with Adam the Clown:

Showing that Capcom could still deliver the gore-tastic thrills when it came to grossing us all out, your showdown with a sadistic chainsaw-juggling clown comes to a positively grizzly end when he ends up stomach-first on two still-whirring chainsaws. As the blades eat through his chest cavity he bursts into a pretty maniacal laugh, which being he seems to be enjoying his own death is just downright horrifying - so much so that even hero Frank has to cover his mouth in disgust.

Gore in games is nothing new, but this incredibly disturbing scene stands out amongst a game that even to this point had been full of decapitations and dismemberments.

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