10 Video Games That Make You Rethink Time And Space

Come with us now on a journey, through time and space.

By Greg Hicks /

It's easy enough to consider time as a straight line, especially when you consider the whole "birth, life, death" concept.


Yet over the years there's been plenty of attempts to subvert our perception of time. Just look at Back to the Future, Terminator 2 and Predestination as great film examples.

It's not just time that gets turned on its head though, as space is never far behind in this discussion. And much like films, video games have done their damnedest to break these established rules and constraints.

Whether it be Valve's groundbreaking effort back in 2007, or Pillow Castle's fresh new perspective (that'll make sense when we get to it), there's always someone out there willing to bend the laws of space and time.

It might even be an expansion on the test used to determine if an AI can outfox us, or even throwing theoretical science into a construction game, there's always something out there to confuse us.

As you'll see from these following examples, nothing is ever simple. One can't imagine how much effort goes in to making these games, let alone expecting us to get our heads around them.

So instead join me as we look at ten examples of games that, much like time, are never as straightforward as they seem.

10. The Turing Test

On the surface, The Turing Test looks to imitate the success Valve had, right down to the clinically white test chambers.


However, get past the similarities, and there's a cracking puzzler with a decent story behind it.

The story itself doesn't mess with the space time continuum, instead focusing on the human/AI control relationship (hence the Turing Test reference in the title). Yet it's the game that will have you using those elements.

Each test laid out for Ava Turing (because who needs subtle naming, right?) is its own unique bubble, if you will, of space and time.

Instead of Valve's creation this has you utilising projectiles to start with, and as the game progresses, the use of monitoring systems and robots about the moon base on Europa.

But it's not as simple as just shooting switches and hoping for the best, as there are some quite ingenious puzzles in this densely packed puzzler.

Couple with a fairly engaging story to motivate you to continue, The Turing Test should be on anyone's list if they enjoy that combination.
