10 Video Games That Were Utter Embarrassments For Their Franchises

Don’t fall for it, these aren't the games you know!

By Josh Staples /

The one thing that we are all guilty of in some way is buying a game even though we know its bad. Maybe it’s because it's cheap and you need something to play for a day or two. Maybe you don't listen to the reviews and wanted to try it for yourself.


However, sometimes it's a little bit sadder. As you might instead simply be an uber-fan of the franchise. You've bought every other game in the series so far so even though this one is getting trashed you feel duty-bound to pony up the dough. As you slap those crisp notes on the table in exchange you say to yourself.

"I love this franchise, how bad could the game really be?"

Turns out very.

It doesn't matter if it's a bad redesign, a title with terrible controls and glitches, or just terrible mechanics, these are video games that punished fans and completely embarrassed their devs. So strap in as no patch can save you now.

10. Metal Gear Survive

What can you say about the Metal Gear series? The feeling of sneaking past your enemies and silently taking down guards wrapped up in a complex spy drama about nuke-launching mechs is utterly sublime and silly in equal measure.


However this all came to an end after Konami fired the series creator Hideo Kojima and took the chance to make something themselves.

Metal Gear Survive in short was a slap in the face to fans and was just a clear low effort cash grab by Konami to capitalize on the IP. Using the same engine as their previous title The Phantom Pain, Survive is an open-world zombie survival game set in the Metal Gear universe. Forcing zombies into a game that doesn't need them is one thing, but to then alter the gameplay from stealth to action and do it SO BLOODY POORLY was what killed this absolute plum duff.

You’re constantly managing food and water meters in a game that didn’t need them, along with having to deal with weapon degradation...and nearly all your weapons are sharp sticks. The game NEVER feels fun and all this does is make you appreciate The Phantom Pain more and more.

Ironically Survive was dead in the water the moment it belly-flopped onto the scene.
