10 Video Games We LOVE (But Nobody Understands)

Does anybody understand Bioshock Infinite?!

By Daniel Hollis /

Stories in games can just be as emotionally investing as movies. From emotional tear jerkers, to high octane action set pieces, it's easy to become invested in these elaborate worlds that developers create.


But sometimes these games can be so obtuse and incredibly strange that our tiny brains can't even begin to comprehend the insanity that's on display.

Whether this be from overly complex plotlines, unusual visual imagery or vague stories, it always ends with one question: "So... what the hell was that even about?!"

This can even boil down to the simple premise that is so hard to swallow that we have literally no idea how the rules of the world even work.

Despite all this however, we can't seem to get enough of games such as these. The ability to break past their hard to decipher surface and understand the true meaning that lies underneath.

Whether this be personal satisfaction or just the ability to have knowledge above all your friends who just can't piece it all together. Here are ten games that made us totally question what on earth was going on, but we loved them anyway.

10. Assassins Creed Series

Right before the first Assassin's Creed's release, rumours sparked that the game actually took place in modern day, and all the gameplay we'd seen in trailers was played via in-game memories of the protagonist's ancestors.


And true to the rumours, that was the case. Everything took placed inside a machine known as the Animus, which allows you to possess the memories of ancestors and live out their lives - in this particular case being assassins.

This isn't even the part we don't understand.

We could all buy into this premise. It was a bit hard to swallow, but it worked fine enough. What did bend our brains was the idea of otherworldly gods pulling all the strings in the background.

Trying to explain it all here would be an article in itself, but the larger picture in Assassins Creed involved gods who were bringing about the destruction of civilisation.

This all culminated in a lacklustre finale in Assassins Creed 3, but many of us were still left with questions. Since then there's been multiple entries and we feel further away from the truth than we did then. In fact, I don't even know what Ubisoft knows what to do with the modern day story.

Fundamentally, the base story for each iteration proved to be incredible fun and rewarding experiences, but that modern day story? What WAS that?!
