10 Video Games We LOVE (But Nobody Understands)

9. Resident Evil Series

bioshock infinite ending

Everything started off alright in the Resident Evil series. Okay, well, Racoon City was completely overrun by zombies and our heroes were in constant peril. But from a narrative perspective, it all seemed A-Okay!

Resident Evil began fairly straightforward. Its origins lay in a virus which stretched out to an outbreak to the unlucky inhabitants of Racoon City. The sequels went bigger and better, but retained its horror roots.

Then Resident Evil got a bit to big for its boots.

Resident Evil 4 saw the story break out of the confines it originally mustered in favour of a far more action orientated experience. It was a bold step, but ultimately paid off with a strong critical reception.

Then it got braver and braver, losing some of the horror that resided in its DNA. What came to fruition was a story that became overly complex and to big for its boots.

The horror was gone and multiple plotlines were left scattered as the developers tried the best to interweave them all. Unfortunately, it failed with some truly awful side games and a disastrous Resident Evil 6.

Luckily, it was all pulled back in Resident Evil 7, which sought to right the wrongs the franchise had implemented this point, reinvigorating our love for the franchise again.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.