10 Video Games You’ll Never 100%

There are some games you'll just never bother 100%'ing; here are ten offenders.

By Stuart W. Bedford /

There€™s nothing like the feeling of 100%€™ing a video game, of looking back over your list of achievements/trophies and knowing beyond a doubt that you consumed everything the game had to give, and you did it with style. And the prestige that can come from attaining that elusive 100% can sometimes, depending on the game of course, raise players to Rock Star status, in certain circles. For this reason, people have been known to dedicate weeks, months, even years in some cases, to chasing that beautiful round figure €“ that 100%. It€™s not only for bragging rights of course, completing a project, regardless of what it is, to know that you achieved something that others haven€™t, is one of the greatest ways to experience deep satisfaction. But sometimes, it€™s not exactly as easy as simply making the commitment and seeing it through. More and more, games are being released that are designed to aggressively retain players after they complete the main campaign; to keep them playing well into the months, so that the publisher is able to keep wringing out cash from the title. Sometimes this works well, but every so often this concept shoots itself in the foot. Sometimes, the 100% is just too ridiculously difficult and as a result, you€™ll probably never even bother attempting to attain it. Here are just 10 of those video games that you€™ll most likely never 100%.