10 Ways Diablo 4 Is Insulting Players

A Blizzard of fan rage.

By John Cunningham /

After 11 long years of rumors and waiting, Diablo IV finally hit the stands this year as one of the most anticipated games of the decade thus far.


With the monstrous Lilith at the helm as a new lead villain, Blizzard Entertainment's latest apocalyptic epic has won considerable praise from critics and players alike. However, even the mighty have flaws, and many longtime fans of the series have expressed plentiful discontent with the highly-anticipated sequel, with some even dismissing it (rather unfairly) as a borderline re-skin of Diablo III.

From technical issues to the ever-polarising presence of patches, even blockbusters on the level of Diablo IV are far from invincible when it comes to scrutiny. With players hopping from painfully addicted to frustrated on a seemingly daily basis, it's clear that Blizzard Entertainment has not hit every right note with their latest entry in the iconic hack-and-slash series.

While it goes without saying that a long-running studio on the level of Blizzard would never deliberately insult its customers, certain errors may leave fans feeling otherwise. Now two months old, Diablo IV's biggest gripes are becoming very clear.

10. Disappointing Dungeon-Crawling

Diablo IV's dive into the classic subgenre of dungeon-crawling has been met with a deflating response. Players have highlighted the bland lack of variety in the dungeons' layouts and designs as a leading issue.


Peak dungeon-crawling fun typically requires a more diverse array of interactive environments, layouts, and challenges to maintain player interest and excitement. For the most part, Diablo IV struggles on this front, instead offering up a repetitive and monotonous set of dungeons that don't quite cut the mustard in providing the thrills and sense of discovery found in better examples of the subgenre.

Diablo games have often garnered considerable praise for their elaborate, intricate dungeon systems. The unpredictability and puzzles made for engrossing gameplay. However, in Diablo IV, the mechanics are noticeably watered down despite being on a more advanced generation of consoles.

More alarmingly, the dungeons in Diablo IV have displayed an unexpected lack of meaningful rewards, leaving many players unsatisfied with the overall experience. This is in sharp contrast to what has come before, as earlier Diablo games often rewarded players for braving dungeons by providing all manner of exciting loot, including powerful armor.

Overall, despite plenty of rock-solid action gameplay, Diablo IV largely fails on the dungeon-crawling front, especially by the high standards already set within the franchise.
