10 Ways Diablo 4 Is Insulting Players

9. Microtransactions

Diablo 4

Since its official release back in June, Diablo IV has revealed its sinister plan to send players' wallets into the depths of the Burning Hells.

For now, it appears the latest chapter in the action RPG series will be taking a keen interest in in-game monetisation. One trip to the game's shop reveals a number of rather eyebrow-raising prices for cosmetic add-ons to the game.

In-game, the currency of trade is platinum, but for players to have adequate amounts of the commodity, they must fork out actual money in the real world. For example to pick up a sizeable 28,000 in platinum, players will spend $24.99 USD/£19.69. For players who want to get their virtual hands on everything the cosmetics branch has to offer, they're looking at spending more than 300 in either USD or GBP.

The game's use of microtransactions has relaunched the long-running debate over whether they have any place in the gaming world. While no one can blame a developer for wanting to extract that much more money from their latest blockbuster release, it's important to avoid it compromising the core gameplay experience. With the game still fresh and new, only time will tell how far Blizzard go in this direction.

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