10 Ways To Make Assassin's Creed Work Again In 2017

Well there's one very simple and immediate fix...

By Kevin McCasland /


Assassin's Creed has suffered from many issues over the years, but after Syndicate, fans simply need a break. Series fatigue was always going to set in eventually, and the issues that come with any annualised release become increasingly apparent unless said product can reinvent the wheel with every new iteration. A subsequent problem that coincides with this, is Ubisoft dealing with both technical issues (looking at you, Unity) and customers' personal grievances with gameplay and the company's business practices regarding DLC.


All of these factors, alongside combat that feels the same, even after supposed 'significant changes' were implemented, represents the uphill battle Ubisoft has with Assassin's Creed from here on in.

The decision to wait an extra year for the next instalment was a good start, but they could use some more ideas to help steer Assassin's Creed in the right direction once more. These are just ten ways to make Assassin's Creed work again in 2017...



10. Open Worlds Where Quality Beats Quantity


Many Assassin's Creed games fall into the open-world trap of focusing on the amount of content in the game, rather than the quality of the content itself. It certainly adds playtime to the experience, but it doesn't enrich said experience as much as it should. The game world may have hundreds of collectibles and side activities, but if they're used simply to pad out total playtime, they don't add much depth at all.


Side missions and collectibles aren't supposed to exist just to fill up the game map with icons and symbols. The Witcher 3 utilises its side missions perfectly, as they offer self-contained, fully-developed stories for each activity. For AC, most of them boil down to simple "Go here, accomplish task, profit" formats, with few exceptions.

It's time Ubisoft takes a page from CD Projekt RED's book on open-world AND mission design.


Syndicate clearly showed an ability to use side missions to strengthen both the world and the main story, so it's no impossible task. The overall playthrough may be shortened after removing filler missions, but taking their place would be side missions that no player would want to miss.