10 Ways To Make Assassin's Creed Work Again In 2017

9. Change The Setting To Japan

Assassin's Creed Japan Rising Sun

Fans have been clamouring after this for years, yet Ubisoft has refused to oblige. At the moment, the most credible rumour regarding the next AC setting states that Egypt will be the next locale. Although there is plenty of potential in such an underused location like Egypt, it simply can't be understated how much AC needs to move its Animus over to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Everything from joining forces with ninjas to even just, well, becoming an actual ninja would be a sufficient reason for fans to invest with a renewed sense of vigour and excitement. Throw in plenty of region-fitting side activities and collectibles, and maybe even some prominent Japanese historical figures so that the location and its history are fully utilized.

This would be an easy sell for Ubisoft, as it represents their listening to fan demands, as well as a completely unique setting that most gamers have not experienced in a game since the Tenchu series. If the locale is handled appropriately, then Assassin's Creed: Rising Sun (or whatever) could help everything feel fresher than ever.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.