10 Xbox Achievements That Were Actually Stupidly Satisfying

Proving developers have a sense of humour.

By Sam Coleman /

There's a growing epidemic in modern video games; gamers are being rewarded for their deeds in games with tiles and trophies. Some even go out of their way to complete all of these little tasks in order to 'perfect' or 'max out' a game. If we don't do something soon, achievements might very well take over the world.


Or maybe, we don't do anything and let them because achievements are awesome. Some will continue to write them off for being superfluous and pointless but what's so bad about wanting to show off our accomplishments in games? Not only do achievements add a highly competitive nature to our games, they also encourage us to see everything a game has to offer; is extending the life of a game really such a bad thing?

Sure, there's plenty of games out there that get achievements all wrong (Avatar's two minute-completion is great but perhaps we could have seen some more of the game?) but there's plenty that get them right. In fact, some games manage to create perfect moments using achievements, either with funny names which reference the in-game event we've just witnessed or by fully breaking the fourth wall and cross-referencing the game with real world events.


These ten achievements are great examples of this; every entry on this list made us laugh or feel deeply satisfied when we saw the achievement pop, like we were in on the developer's joke. Ultimately, this is a list of achievements which prove that the achievement system is worth retaining; not only does it provide a cross-game competition, it also allows for some surprisingly entertaining moments.